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Play golf

The Al Maaden Golf Academy is a place to teach golf, open to everyone and all ages. Our qualified coaches adapt to all levels and offer various programs so that everyone can progress at their own pace.


Our coachs

Erwann Jouannic

Erwann Jouannic is from the south of France. After an amateur career and a title of champion of France, Erwann became a golf professional in 2008. After obtaining his PGA France diploma in 2011, he decided to devote himself to teaching.


Hafid Agouram

Hafid Agouram is from Marrakech and started golfing at the age of 6. Passionate about golf, Hafid became a professional in 2015 and passed the BPJEPS certification approved by the PGA France to become a golf teacher.

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Golf Academy

Every Wednesday and Saturday

Al Maaden academy offers lessons supervised by a teacher for children and youngsters wishing to learn to play golf. The price for the subscription to the academy is 1500 DHS/trimester. Classes are held during school year every Wednesday and Saturday starting at 2:00 p.m.

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© 2022 by Nezha Haddioui.

© 2022 by Nezha Haddioui.

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